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Sunday, February 16, 2003

Avril in Sunday Newspaper Magazine Interview

"She's an Original," reads the front cover of Parade magazine, the Sunday newspaper insert. Avril Lavigne posed provocatively with microphone in her 18-year-old hands advertises the breif interview by columnist James Brady.

The cover insists that one of her favorite sports is hockey, she played on a boy's team from the age of 10!

Holy cow, she's awesome! Here's an excerpt from the online version of the article
In boys hockey there's a lot of body contact," she says. "I would've gotten killed on the ice. So I dropped out and played on a girls' team." Like most hockey fans, Lavigne is a big fan of the great Wayne Gretzky. "Gretzky is huge," she says. "He's still a hero in Canada. I'd like to meet him."

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