I am glad to read now that some of the programming that I was so envious of XM having is now coming over to Sirius - thanks to the companies merging. A whole radio channel dedicated to the sport that I so passionately love is going to find a new home as one of my preset buttons. Now, even though Sirius had the NHL hockey coverage before, they did not have an exclusive channel. Before the NHL's exclusive agreement, only the "NHL Live" 12-2pm could be heard syndicated on what was Sirius' "Action Sports" channel.
Sirius also promises that the NHL will again broadcast their games like they did with XM, something that Sirius didn't do before the merger. Sirius broadcasted only a select few games day-by-day.
From the NHL perspective, it exposes the league to a bigger fan base. Satellite broadcasting opens up the sport to re-define a team's fan base exposing coverage to a whole continent. Kind of makes you wonder if the NHL looks to redefine "regional territory protection rules".
[Via: Sirius-XM: NHL]
So, as of the merge, that means all XM receivers pick up the Sirius ones?
I know I can get XM on my phone, and the next time I drive across country with no radio I think I may be forced to do it. Eep!
buttah - Yes. XM has a package where you can buy a tiered channel selection (similar to what cable systems have) where you can hear Howard Stern, NFL, NASCAR, and Martha Stuart channels.
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