I like the way the way they phrased the question, first of all. Fundamentals are what kids need to learn first. It seems like the youth in sports are so focused on making the highlight play. I hope that coaches in both countries make a conscious effort to develop players in fundamentals first.
As far as the top answer to be "skating" - duh! But since the game has changed to a more free flowing action, being able to skate first is a necessity. NHL and other pro players are rewarded by their hustle and ability to get to the open areas with the puck.
Shooting and passing should be packaged together. These skills will make young players wanted by other teammates.
I voted for skating.
If you look at all the small players in the NHL that have been told they were too small to play pro, the very first quality anyone comments on is the players' skating. And the skill has proven to be even more important post-lockout.
Skating all the way. It's what you learn first and everything you do on the ice comes from how well you do at it.
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