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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mike Lange Reveals His Secrets to Broadcasting

There are 3 generations of Pittsburgh hockey fans who know the comfortability that comes with Penguins broadcaster Mike Lange. His unique style his his trademark on the game which, in my opinion, transcends the game to the point that it never really feels like a Penguins game without him.

But even though the seasons have piled up on the veteran broadcaster, Lange still keeps up with the changing lineups adapting to the constantly changing updates with the teams.
"You have to do your due diligence, you have to do your work. You have to find out what is going on with that team, how much they have changed? They could have a coaching change. What's the philosophy?" Lange said.
Watching the interview video from KDKA actually feels like it should be required viewing for any broadcasting student. Learning from Lange's routines and dedication to his craft is what makes a standout broadcaster even better.

[Via: KDKA]

[Cross-posted at Mike's Adventures in Broadcasting]

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