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Saturday, December 04, 2010

Ulman Girls Model Winter Classic Jerseys

Now that we are just a month away from the Winter Classic, the hype begins with the promotions of the jerseys. I think the real money that gets the economy going is all the merchandise that gets sold during and after the event.

As I have profiled before on this blog, Robert Ullman's Atom Bomb Bikini, is a cartoonist and stand alone Penguins fan in Capitals territory, has once again given his talents to what the Winter Classic jerseys look like - on a sultry female. You can see the previously released Washington Capitals Winter Classic jersey gal here. Then see the un-watermarked Pittsburgh Penguins Winter Classic jersey gal released here.

Once again, his girly pin-ups should appeal to even the casual fan. It's got a sweet innocence and style that reminds me of Bruce Timm. It makes me appreciate the jersey more now that I see it on a gal than a sweaty guy. It perfectly blends together 2 of my favorite subjects - which makes me always going back to check out what his latest creation is.

He's got plenty of other teams represented like Chicago, Philadelphia, and Toronto. So, on your own, I would encourage everyone to go take a look at his art.

[WARNING: Rob Ullman's non-sports and non-comic work is not safe for work as it depicts the more fanciful desires of the feminine form!]

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