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Friday, December 24, 2004

Steve Moore Not Filled With Holiday Spirit

I went to go look up my buddy Don's website called All Things Canadian and I read about the "impact statement" that Steve Moore was asked to give when this assailant Todd Bertuzzi had viciously attacked him in a game last season. Don printed some of the statement on his website and I felt the need to post a reply. Then, I decided to convey my feelings here. This is what the end of the statement by Steve said:
I would respectfully request that should I regain my health and someday be able to get back to playing, that Todd Bertuzzi never be permitted to participate in any sporting activity in which I am competing.

I was disappointed and felt that Steve must not be finished healing from his possible career ending injuries. It's pretty clear to me that Steve has become very bitter towards Bertuzzi and maybe borders on hate.
Steve, though I think it was terrible and tragic about what happened to you, I would advise you Steve to find it in your heart to forgive Todd eventually. I can understand that you're in great pain. I believe that with a little faith, you can begin to heal on the inside as well if you can only find a way to forgive.


The Brain said...

I have only read the extract of Steve's statement that you included in your posting. To me it is a perfectly reasonable request / statement.

I don't understand why that would give anyone the impression that Steve is full of hatred. I agree that forgiveness is important, but that does not mean you have to forget.

I personally think that Todd should be banned forever. To me the toleration of violence within the hockey world shows that it is not a real sport. Let's encourage skill rather than fist fights etc

Anonymous said...

The Bertuzzi incident was ugly. Steve Moores whining is almost as bad. He now wants a judicial inquiry into Bertuzzi's conditional discharge becuase the prosecutor was formerly a player agent. Despite his claims it is obvious he is thinking about a civil lawsuit. He is a marginal 4th line player looking for some security. He plays a game that involves physical contact (yes this was exceptional) and risk of injury is part of the game. Get past the greiving and get on with the healing process.